This is fiction

I cannot express enough that every story I write and post is a work of fiction. Nothing is based on me, or anyone I know. Some of my stories are motivated by my dreams or random ideas I may have, but that's about as personal as it gets! Please enjoy :-)

Thursday 16 June 2016

Based on a 'true story'

We were laying in bed discussing the movie we’d just watched – Haunting in Connecticut. It was claimed that the movie was ‘based on a true story’ and I wondered to which extent. I was sure that one person’s account of something slightly creepy was the only ‘true story’ bit that the film relied on, filling in the rest with colourful bursts of devilish horror.

The lights were out as we were technically going to sleep. Somewhere along the line our conversation dissolved. My boyfriend had fallen asleep, however, my own mind continued to play selected movie scenes over and over in my head, trying to decipher which part could possibly be the ‘true story’.
It was then that I noticed a spot, about the size of a R2 coin, straight across the room on the wall. Much like the TV screen, it too appeared to have a green hue to it that popped out in the pitch black night. Only, there was nothing there to glow. I wondered what it could be, or if perhaps, I was over tired and I was starting to see things. I stared at the spot and blinked my eyes. The spot got bigger. I was now even more certain that the spot did not exist, and that I really was seeing things. It’s amazing what the brain can conjure up in the dark. I continued to focus on the spot. I soon realised that the spot had been growing... slowly. I hadn’t noticed it right away, but when I looked at the TV, I realised that the spot was now a round circle that was even bigger than the TV and it was glowing brightly.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and at that point. I knew that there was nothing there. I knew that the wall was blank. I could not fathom this strange phenomenon and found myself lifting my head from my pillow to get a better look. It was then, that a hand came out of the hole. It was a pale, grey hand which appeared to be bony. My heart jumped into my throat. I was telling myself that it wasn’t real, yet there it was, I was looking at it. IN MY BEDROOM. At a painfully slow pace, it moved out of the hole and reached down to the floor. The thing’s shoulders popped out next, and then its head, followed by the other hand... slowly climbing out of the hole onto my floor. It was a skeleton wrapped in blue-grey flesh. It moved strangely, like something unfamiliar with human anatomy. I was petrified. I couldn’t move or make a sound.  I wanted to shout: “Justin, wake up!” but there was nothing. Nothing, but fear.

The thing disappeared onto the floor and out of my sight. I was torn with horror. I didn’t know where it would pop up. Would it rip my heart from my ribcage through the bottom of the bed? Would it pitch up at my bedside and look me in the eye before climbing into my mouth and possessing my body? And then I felt it -a slight bit of pressure at the end of the bed. Yes, it was a hand, soon followed by another. I could feel the weight increase as it lifted itself up onto the edge of the bed. I wanted scream. I really wanted to scream but I was absolutely paralysed with fear. It was almost like watching myself in the third person. I was that idiot in the movie that gets herself killed and I couldn’t bring myself to act.

I lay in my bed, a prisoner of my own body. The thing started to crawl up toward me, slowly, freakishly, like it was just getting to know its limbs and muscles – much like that of a newborn calf, only less helpless, and a fuckload more intimidating. I was building up the guts to scream, willing myself to take action and not become a victim. It was on top of me. I could feel it pull itself up. It was going to look me in the face and I was going to scream. I promise I was going to scream. And then. Just before I could scream.... Justin woke me up: “Baby, baby wake up, I think you’re having a bad dream”. 

And that, boys and girls, is a true story, from start to finish :)

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