This is fiction

I cannot express enough that every story I write and post is a work of fiction. Nothing is based on me, or anyone I know. Some of my stories are motivated by my dreams or random ideas I may have, but that's about as personal as it gets! Please enjoy :-)

Wednesday 4 June 2014

The visitor - short story #3 - PART 2

Jenna was white in the face. "what's wrong? Jenna, what's wrong?" Amanda followed Jenna's blank stare, and low and behold, a bloodied black man was hiding under the table. His gaze broke from Jenna as he made eye contact with Amanda. He must have noticed the inner scream rising up in her because he lifted his right hand and put is forefinger to his lips. He was telling them to keep quiet. Keep quiet? And then, all Amanda's neck hair stood on end. She knew, something was very, very wrong. This big, bloodied black man, was hiding. He was scared. Something scared him! Amanda gave Jenna a weary look, this was bad...

There was a click at the door, everyone turned to look. The keys were in the door on the outside. It could be anyone. The latch turned, there was a snap, as the door unlocked. The door started to open slowly, creaking all the way. It felt like an hour of suspense, Amanda was ready to pass out; she was breathing heavily, she could feel her fingers tingle and the adrenalin rush from seeing an unknown man in hiding had left her numb from the waist down. She was as good as dead in this condition, and she knew it. But then, Sharron stepped in. "SHARRON! ARE YOU OKAY?" the girls were freaking out. Sharron looked like a walking corpse. Her clothes were ripped, she was drenched in blood, and she had absolutely no expression on her face what so ever. Whether or not she was responsive, was another matter entirely, because before she was even given the opportunity to prove that some of her senses were still in tact, the bloody black man had emerged from his hiding place and had started running toward Sharron with a screwdriver in his hand, screaming like a pig getting ready for the slaughter. Within seconds, Jenna had grabbed a pair of office scissors, run up to the stranger, and disemboweled him with one quick swipe. Jenna attempted to step back to take a moment to digest what had just happened, when she stood on a slippery piece of intestine, and fell to the ground landing smack bang on the bloodied body of the man that once was. Amanda started to scream hysterically at the sight of blood, intestines, and her coworker bathing in the mess. Amanda finally shut her face when Jenna looked right past her, to where Sharron last was, and this time, Jenna started to scream!

Amanda turned around, Sharron was holding Nthabi's still-beating heart in her hands. Nthabi looked over to Amanda, and then collapsed to the ground. Sharron grinned, peaking at the remaining office staff from under her long eyelashes, and then took a bite.

Apparently Amanda had lost consciousness. When she came to, she was dazed and unsure of what last happened - it was all so confusing. It was dark, she couldn't see, and she knew she was very uncomfortable. She groaned as she tried to straighten out, but was quickly silenced with a hand around her mouth. Just like that, the memories of the office massacre came rushing back. Jenna could feel the suction of breath against her hand, Amanda was readying herself for a scream. Jenna squeezed her had against Amanda's mouth harder and pulled her close; "it's me, don't make a sound, or we're both dead"

Look out for Part 3, coming soon ;-)

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